Why Am I Leaking Urine When I Laugh/Cough/Sneeze?

Anonymous asked 8 years ago

Why am I leaking urine when I laugh/cough/sneeze?

2 Answers
Nationwide Clinics Staff answered 8 years ago

Probably you have laxed urethral sphincter(muscle around the urinary opening),  and pelvi floor muscles may not toned. This is quite common after child birthing process. Look out for Kegels exercise on you tube, this will help you.
Dr. Jyotsna

Nationwide Clinics Staff answered 8 years ago

Probably you have laxed urethral sphincter(muscle around the urinary opening),  and pelvi floor muscles may not toned. This is quite common after child birthing process. Look out for Kegels exercise on you tube, this will help you.
Dr. Jyotsna