Long Work Hours

Anonymous asked 8 years ago

Our firm has long work hours and high performance is rewarded. I do not get time for exercise or family. My sleep is less. What to do

1 Answers
Nationwide Clinics Staff answered 8 years ago

I can understand that this is a difficult problem. On one hand you have your professional commitments and on the other your personal life. Few things that I could advice:

  1. Try to get at least 15mins of ‘me’ time where you could do things that you like be it reading or listening to music
  2. Try not to get work home.
  3. At work take the stairs and park your vehicle away from your basement lift there by getting a short walk.
  4. Give at least 15 mins of time for talk with your child and another 15 mins for your spouse. 
  5. Eat 2-3 portions of fruit everyday
  6. listen to soft soothing music or do progressive relaxation when going to bed. 
  7. Meet your family physician regularly for physical check up and annual health check if you are above 30 years of age.
  8. if work is causing too much stress talk to a counsellor.

Dr Gowri Kulkarni