Diabetes And Bp

Anonymous asked 8 years ago

How can we ensure that diabetes and BP do not get adversely impacted due to work commute, pollution and long working hours ?

2 Answers
Nationwide Clinics Staff answered 8 years ago

This is an apt question in this busy life. Chronic diseases like BP and Diabetes are seen in younger population these days due to the adverse lifestyle. 
Diet which is balanced and taken on time helps. Eat 3 major meals and 3 small meals a day. Have 2-3 portions of fruit a day
Exercise atleast 45 mins every day
Get adequate sleep atleast 6-7 hours a day
Try and maintain a healthy weight with BMI between 18-23
Drink adequate water atleast 2 litres a day
Try and de-stress everyday and maintain a positive outlook
Prioritise work and home life and maintain a balance
Talk to friends and relatives and if needed seek help from your family physician when needed
Get annual health check done if above 30 years of age. Atleast get BP checked and Cholesterols and sugar checked.
Dr Gowri Kulkarni 

Dr Swapan Banerjee - Dietitian Staff answered 8 years ago

Hi-Thanks for your questions. B.P & Diabetes are quite related due to malpractice of life styles. Mainly stress, long sitting working styles, fast ,junk,fried foods habits are not good at all. Working pressures,family pressures, tensions over all creates these 2 complications. So Not take too much pressure under any circumstance, Sleep min 8 hours at normal night time 10-6 am, Small but frequent meals, avoid refined & rich sugars from out side.Diabetes all stop all sugar, fried, salt, etc, Better depend on plants, dairy foods, brown rice, brown breads, vegetables like gourds, curd, pulses, legumes etc. No out side foods but home made fresh,daily based meals are good for these complications. So that you can fit yourselves always.