Stop Nail Biting- 7 Important Facts That Will Stop You From Biting Your Nails
Many of us have a habit of biting our nails in our childhood and still are biting and fighting with this problem. Did you know 60% of the people chew their nails at some point of time. But have you ever thought of what are its post effects? Is it harming anything in our body? Yes, off course it is harming. It is shocking and did you know what is even more shocking? What happens to our teeth, gums and health as a result of this? The things which are listed below may shock you and may encourage you to stop nail biting.
- People chewing nails gather a big sack of bacteria in them
Studies have shown that people who chew their nails carry bacteria such as diarrhoea and vomiting bacteria such as Escherichia coli and many other diseases. So take your finger out your mouth NOW.
- Biting your nail causes dental damage
Biting nails regularly can damage your teeth in a very bad manner. In severe cases it has caused chipping, fractures, and crazy displaced jaws. No one wants wonky teeth.
- You will end up with stinky breathe
People who bite their nails ends up with stinky breathe after a sound sleep.
- Nails smell bad
Those who chew nails their nails smell bad.
- Nail biting can lead to HERPES
Biting your nails can even lead to herpes. It’s pretty rare but it has been known to result in oral lesions and blisters.
- Skin around the nail
Nail biting can often lead to biting the skin around the nail. But doing this can cause acute infective paraonycia, it to be honest it’s pretty freaking. It’s caused by bacteria getting in to open sores and can result in pus forming around the nail, it’s basically like finger herpes. It can be cured with pills but sometimes in has to be surgically drained.
- And finally growth of your nails become slow
Seriously though this is probably the least attractive thing ever. If you don’t stop chewing right this you might end up with stumps FORVER and EVER.