Exercise Prescription For Diabetes

Exercise is excellent medicine for an ailing heart, or for keeping a healthy one healthy. It’s just as important for type 2 diabetes. This is the kind of diabetes that tends to develop gradually, often in response to excess weight or lack of physical activity. An “exercise prescription” from the American Heart Association recommends a combination of aerobic exercise and strength training.

This dual strategy makes sense. Aerobic activity, like walking or swimming, strengthens the heart, lungs, and muscles. It helps control blood pressure and blood sugar. It keeps arteries flexible. It is also essential for losing weight and excess body fat, or for maintaining a healthy weight. All of these are key strategies for many people with diabetes. Both aerobic exercise and strength training help muscles respond better to insulin, the hormone that ushers blood sugar into cells. For example, a single bout of strength training can make muscle cells “listen” to insulin better for 12 hours or more. Read more