7 Signs Of Why Teens Are So Stressed?
Whenever we come across the word ‘Stress’, all negative emotions and feelings bombard us with full force. However, we need to know the fact that every stress is not bad or negative. At optimum levels, it motivates us to perform and is good in channelizing our strengths and energy. But, when there is too much of it, it poses its own challenges, makes us anxious and if not managed at right time can lead to depression.
Today’s modern lifestyle has exposed the teens to uncalled stress. If you are a parent or a guardian of a teenager then keep your eyes and ears open to pick up the early signs in your ward and take proper precautionary steps to minimize or eliminate it.
In adolescence, certain factors which contribute to increased stress are listed below:
1. Due to academics:
Academic stress tops the chart when it comes to Teens. They are under constant scrutiny by parents and have to constantly deal with peer pressure to perform well academically. Even academically strong teens, are under pressure to maintain their grades. Unhealthy competition in academics or on sports field adds to your teens woes. All these aspirations and expectations subject them to high levels of stress.
2. Due to Social surroundings:
On reaching adolescence, teens realize the worth of gaining social acceptance. They are expected to follow a code of conduct within the family, with relatives, friends, and peers. Adolescents tend to form groups of like-minded teens and then there is group behaviour code of conduct. Their actions and behavior is socially scanned and it invites stress.
3. Financial Stress:
If there is any financial crunch in the family, it might affect your teenager as he/ she is well aware about the worth of money and his dependency on you regarding fiscal requirements. This negatively impacts the teenagers and inculcates a feeling of helplessness giving rise to financial stress.
4. Family issues:
Sometimes the family environment is not conducive; differences between parents, issues with siblings or sibling rivalry or lack of attention highly distresses a teen.
5. Physical and Physiological Changes:
While in Teen he/she undergoes a lot of physical and physiological changes owing to hormonal secretions. He/she discovers new way to look at himself/herself. The changes are sometimes too difficult to handle and fuels stress.
6. Low Self Esteem:
If your teen fails in anything and has no emotional support, a feeling of self-doubt plagues them which can in turn create low self-esteem. This induces stress and if not attended to might turn him into a victim of depression.
7. Romantic Relationships:
With hormonal influx teens feel the need to be loved and desires create havoc inside them. Love interests, attraction to opposite sex, affairs, break-ups, denials etc. dominate their life. These instances result in traumatic stress.
We all have walked the same lane and as a parent, it is our moral responsibility to understand the turmoil of emotions stirring in our teenager. Guide them, support them through thick and thin and above all, prevent them from drowning in stress, by extending your loving hand.