Detox Diet For People Having Chronic Stress

Detox Diet for People having Chronic Stress
A chronic stress either physical or emotional depletes our body’s essential nutrients, hormones and neurotransmitters and which leads to fatigue. Stress should be recovered either by eliminating stress from your life or by starting anti-stress methods to our life like balanced and healthy foods, yoga and exercise etc.
Here are some tips on reducing stress by incorporating healthy foods which detoxify the body.
- Choose locally available fruits and vegetables as they are superior and fresher and having more nutritional benefits than transported ones.
- Choose organic foods as these contains less of pesticides and fertilisers. If cost is the problem then clean properly the skins of regular fruits and vegetables to clear the pesticides remains.
- Say No to GMO foods. Though it is difficult to identify GMO foods but avoid corn and soy containing foods as they are generally GMO foods.
- Drink lukewarm water with lemon in the empty stomach at early morning which helps to improve the digestion, detoxifies the liver and also enhance our immunity.
- Chew your food well. Eat small and frequent meals as heavy meals puts an extra burden to the digestive system and liver and slows the detoxification process.
- Avoid deep frying, broiling and grilling. Do not overcook the food. Prefer steaming, stewing, poaching and sautéing rather than deep frying as it destroys the valuable nutrients of food.
- Include coconut oil as it contains three fats like lauric acid, caprylic acid and capric acid which possess properties of antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral. It also detoxifies our body if taken one spoon daily in the morning.
- Include plenty of fruits to supply the Vit-C requirement of our body which helps to fight against the infection.
- Limit packaged and processed foods because most of them contain artificial additives, preservatives, excess sugar and salt which put extra effort to the liver for detoxification. Switch to the whole and natural foods.
- Avoid smoking because cigarette contains many toxic products like formaldehyde, ammonia and arsenic which are harmful to health.
- Avoid or limit alcohol as it weakens the immune system and puts extra stress to the liver for detoxification. Occasionally red wines up to 1 peg can take as it contains an antioxidant resveratrol.
- Avoid processed, cured red meats. Choose lean, fresh and organic meats, skinless chicken, varieties of fishes, egg whites which help to build up muscle mass instead of putting load for detoxification. Processed meats contain toxic preservatives like nitrates and added sugar and salt which are unnecessary toxins.
- Include probiotics like yoghurt, veg, bananas, garlic, onions and artichokes which helps to maintain healthy gut bacteria and thus ease digestion and improves the immune system. Probiotics also reduce stress levels.
- Don’t skip breakfast as nutritious breakfast helps the liver to remove toxins from the body and also improves the digestive system.
- Avoid excess consumption of tea, coffee or caffeinated beverages as they dehydrate our body and induces our stress level and fatigue. Choose green or herbal tea as it contains antioxidants which help to flush out toxins and thus reduces our stress.
- Eat at the regular time and don’t take food at late night as it interferes with sleep and causes fatigue next morning.
- Choose dark green leafy vegetables like spinach, broccoli, cabbage, asparagus, dandelion, kale etc which helps to detox our body due to its rich chlorophyll content.
- Include spices like turmeric as turmeric possesses antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral property. It contains a compound curcumin which rejuvenates and repairs the liver and improves its detoxification process.
- Drink plenty of water and a fluid which keeps you hydrated and helps to flush out toxins from the body.
End Note: With proper diet, take proper sleep, regular exercise, and yoga and have a massage which improves blood circulation and helps to flush out toxins from the body.
Lastly, think positive which naturally reduces stress level and also improves our health.