Effects Of Low Testosterone On Body Weight

By: on May 31st, 2016 in Men's Health


Testosterone is a hormone which is produced by the human body. Testosterone is one of the hormone referred as androgens which is also known as anabolic steroids. Testosterone plays a vital role in the development of male reproductive organs such as testes and prostate. It also promotes sexual characteristics such as increased muscle, bone mass and the growth of body hair. Healthy testosterone levels are important for achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. A blood test is used to determine the level testosterone in body.

Symptoms of low testosterone:

  • Reduces libido, muscle mass and sperm count
  • Hot flashes
  • Increases breast size and propensity to bone fracture
  • Impotence or erectile dysfunction
  • Testes shrinks
  • Hair loss
  • Fatigue and lack of energy
  • Increase in body fat
  • Mood swings

Effects of low testosterone:

  • Increases in body fat particularly in the midsection where the build-up puts the person at risk of diabetes, heart disease and certain cancers.
  • Being overweight, having long-term pain or taking pain medicines can lower the level of sex hormone. This also decreases total level of testosterone.
  • Testosterone has a critical role in metabolism. Men who take medication to severely depress testosterone levels can rapidly gain weight.

Effects of low testosterone during weight gain:

  • Low testosterone causes increase in body fat especially in midsection.
  • The exact biochemical mechanism through which testosterone causes weight gain is unknown.
  • Obesity is one of the risk factors for lower levels of testosterone.
  • The relationship between low testosterone and weight-gain can become a vicious cycle.
  • Body fat contains an enzyme which converts testosterone into estrogens. Extra estrogens triggers the body to slow the production of testosterone.
  • For men who already have low testosterone and excess body fat can worsen the condition.

Being overweight can worsen the ability to produce testosterone.

Get your self checked for the testosterone level in your body by booking a test with us here .