Do Not Shy For Gynecomastia Which Can Be Recovered !!

By: on December 31st, 2016 in

Do not shy Gynecomastia can be recovered

Gynecomastia is an enlarged breast of male it does not have any side effects to health and can almost affect 60 percent of men who are between the ages of 50-80 years. It develops embarrassment, self-consciousness and discourages social gatherings for boys. It can be recovered by cosmetic surgery. Gynecomastia surgery removes extra fat and glandular tissue of the breast and returned a flat and firm chest.

Gynecomastia occurs may result due to certain drugs, genetic, use of marijuana or alcohol, obesity or unspecified reasons.

A very skilful cosmetic surgeon is needed for male breast reduction.

  • Assure about your cosmetic surgeon’s success rate and performance of surgery of male breast reduction.
  • ABCS certified cosmetic or plastic surgeons are the expert of all surgeries including liposuction and chest shaping. Do your surgery in an accredited surgery centre for the better result.
  • Be comfortable with your surgeon about your needs and freely discuss the details of your past medical history if any.


  • Using Liposuction: It removes excess deposited fat and provides a proper shape to the chest. Liposuction surgery needs local anaesthesia or general anaesthesia and there will be a small incision on both sides of the chest i.e. either at the edge of the areola or within the armpit and from where the extra fat or glandular tissue can be removed and also providing a proper shape to the chest. The recovery is easy and after surgery patient has to wear the compression garment for few weeks which reduces swelling and also supports the tissue healing. Heavy exercise is restricted for few weeks. Every individual needs different recovery time and your surgeon will provide proper information of recovery.
  • Using Tissue Excision: If Gynecomastia patients have stretched and sagging skin and having more fats near the breasts they need tissue excision. It needs more amount of glandular tissue removal which is not possible with liposuction. In this surgery also incision is needed on both sides of the chest i.e. at the edge of the areola or between the chest folds and an experienced surgeon carefully do the incisions so that there will be the less-patches of scars. There is also soreness and swelling after surgery and recovery length is variable for a different individual. Individuals gradually return to their normal life routine. Some patient’s temporary loss sensation in the breast but gradually it will overcome within a month.

It is good to maintain a proper lifestyle so that it cannot be reoccurred. Some medical condition and testosterone influencing drugs, steroids affect the success of surgery so consult with your surgeon for maintaining the success of surgery in a long run. Gynecomastia surgery for reducing male breast is the right way of keeping you confident and your appearance perfect.

Avoid direct sun exposure after surgery for few weeks as sun exposure makes scars marks permanent.

Alcohol should be avoided prior and post surgery.

If you do not have enough money for surgery you can use breast reduction creams like Gynecol or even you can use breast reduction pills like Gynexin.

At last, it is important to take balanced diet and plenty of fluids to improve the healing process. Foods which increase testosterone level are helpful.

  • Foods rich in Zinc like raw milk, yoghurt, raw cheese, oysters, spinach, wheat germ, cashew nuts, lean chicken, beans, mushrooms and pumpkin seeds.
  • Foods rich in Vit-D like oily fishes, mushrooms, tofu, eggs, dairy products.
  • Healthy fats like olive oils, avocados, grass fed meats, organic nuts, raw almonds, butter, egg yolks, coconut and it’s oil etc.
  • Other- Potatoes, nuts, coffee, raisins, ginger, pomegranates, onion and garlic are also beneficial.