Foods You Should Avoid For Tooth Abscess

By: on May 25th, 2017 in


Bad foods affect the health of the teeth.
What is tooth abscess?
An abscess is a painful infection between the gum and teeth or in the root of the tooth.
Symptoms of tooth abscess-
1. Swollen neck gland
2. Swelling and redness in the gum
3. Bitter taste in the mouth
4. Uneasiness, general discomfort or ill feeling
5. Foul smell in the breath
6. Sensitivity of the teeth to cold or hot
7. The swollen area in lower or upper jaws.
Food that causes tooth cause abscess-
1. Hard candy- The worse thing is that candy gets stuck in the teeth for a long time before it is cleaned from the teeth. If we chew the hard candy there is a lot of chance that we can damage enamels. Chewing extremely hard thing can cause damage to the teeth. If we don’t chew hard candy and if allow to melt it in our mouth then it can worsen the situation. The problem has been found that if the hard candy dissolves slowly and get saturated in the mouth for a longer time it gives bacteria plenty of time to produce harmful acids. It can get worse if the candies contain citric acid.
2. Potato chips- There is a lot of chance that the starchy food can get stuck in the teeth. Potato chips have the mushy texture it gets trapped in between the teeth. It will be good if we can rinse our mouth with water to cleanse the bad food debris from the teeth.
3. Popcorn- The popcorn can cause damage to our teeth. The popcorn can get trapped in between the teeth and it can cause bacterial growth. Unmapped ones too hard to consume and it can damage chips or enamel of the teeth.
4. Vinegar- We generally use vinegar for the dressing of the salad. Potato chips and pickles can cause tooth decay. It has been found people who take a lot of vinegar in their diet it can lead to tooth erosion After consuming food containing vinegar it is important to rinse mouth with water.
5. Dried fruits- It has been found that dried fruit items are highly sticky and hard. Dried fruit items contain a high level of sugar. Dried fruits also contain lots of natural sugar and nonsoluble cellulose fiber, it is bad for the teeth. It is advisable to chew some fresh fruits instead of dried fruits.
6. Jelly & peanut butter- Jelly and peanut butter is the part of our daily breakfast. High sugar content foods and highly sticky foods are bad choices for our teeth and gum and to our overall gum health. Jelly and peanut can cause bacterial development in our mouth.
7. Pickles- Pickles contain vinegar and vinegar are culprit ingredients which can damage our teeth. It is dangerous for the enamels. PickLes work best for parathas and sandwich but we can avoid it to save teeth.

Bad foods, highly sugary foods, alcohol etc can damage our teeth.