8 Top Tips On Tonsilitis

By: on April 30th, 2017 in


Tonsillitis is an illness in that is characterized by inflammation of tonsils. Two masses of tissue at the back of your throat are known a tonsil. It acts as a filter, which creates a barrier for the entrance of germs. Otherwise, germs can enter which lead to infection. They are also able to produce antibodies that can fight with foreign agents. But in some condition, this tonsils have become infected. It can be a result of the action of foreign agents like bacteria or viruses. So they become inflamed and swelled. This is known as tonsillitis. It is one kind of pharyngitis. This condition depends on the frequency and causes of disease and as well as the condition of the patient.


The common signs and symptoms of tonsillitis are fever, sore throat, headache, red and swollen tonsils, pain in tonsils, fatigue, chills, pain in neck, tiredness, nausea, vomiting, voice changes, difficulties in swallowing food, difficulty in opening the mouth.


  • GET PLENTY OF REST – Do not irritate or create pressure on that region. Give comfort and rest on the affected organ. People those who are suffering from tonsillitis can take two to three days off from their work. Rest at home should be taken depending on the severity of the illness. Speak as softly as possible you can that helps to recover.
  • TYPE OF DIET – Eat easily digestible nonirritant soft and liquid diet should be recommended to give comfort the tonsil region and be sure that you receive enough calories from your diet. You can take Soft diet like pudding, boiled and smashed potato and liquid soothing food that relieve tonsillitis pain like hot teas, warm broth combined with ginger, lemon juice combined with honey and cinnamon can give comfort the affected organ.
  • STAY HYDRATED – Keep try to moist the tonsil section. Water also helps to prevent dryness and also additional irritation of tonsillitis pain. Fluid can be taken in the form of soup, stew, juice.
  • GARGLE WITH WARM WATER AND SALT – Gargles lukewarm water with salt and spit it out as much as necessary to relieve a sore throat due to tonsillitis.
  • REMOVE ENVIRONMENTAL IRRITANTS – It is very important to remove the environmental irritants such as dust, dry air, and tobacco. That all can worsen tonsillitis. You should also avoid the polluted area.
  • USE VAPORIZER AND HUMIDIFIER – Vaporizers and humidifiers help to moisten your home air that can relieve discomfort and pain in a sore throat caused by tonsillitis.
  • HELP YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM TO BE STRONGER – Anti-inflammatory food based diet like green leafy vegetables, fruits, plant oil contains essential fatty acids, first class animal protein boost up your immunity to response and fight effectively against the foreign agents. Try to avoid low-quality protein, a preservative containing foods, ready to eat foods that can lower your immunity.
  • MEDICINES – medication is also important to treat tonsillitis. Take antibiotics and cough syrup after consultation with a physician.