Feet Swelling – What Can Be Done?

When you sit for long periods, sometime you see selling in your feet and ankles. When you wake up, your feet and ankles are normal. But by the end of the day they are swollen and wearing shoes is painful. The swelling, called dependent oedema, results from build up of fluids in your skin tissue. During the day, gravity pulls the fluids to your feet and ankles, causing them to swell. To avoid, walk around at least every one to two hours.
How can I reduce this swelling?
Ideal Weight :
Maintain ideal weight, as excess weight slows blood circulation and puts extra pressure on your veins, causing fluid accumulation.
Exercise :
Exercise atleast 5 days a week to improve circulation in your legs and feet.
Watch Sodium Intake:
Sodium promotes fluid retention. Cut on the usage of salt, salted food items and packaged and canned food, as all the above are rich sources of sodium.
Raise your Feet:
Place your feet at least 12 inches above the level of your heart. This can be done for 10 – 15 minutes, three or four times a day.
Stockings Support:
Stockings compress your legs, promoting circulation and limiting gravitational movement of excess fluid. Elastic stockings are available at most medical supply or drug stores.
Walk Around:
When you sit for a long time, your feet and ankles tend to swell up. Hence make sure that you walk around at least every one to two hours.
Persistent swelling accompanied by swelling of abdomen, shortness of breath, weight gain, nausea, dyspepsia, may be indicative of disorder of kidney / liver. Hence visit your doctor immediately.
Uma Maheshwari PS, M.Sc., M.Phil, PGDHS
Happy Living Diet Clinic