Feeling Lazy Most Of The Time In A Day !! Some Health Advice
Feeling lazy and weak whole day? Some tips
If you are always feeling lazy and weak then you need same lifestyle changes like have enough, eat balanced and nutritious food with plenty of fluids. Avoid caffeine and alcohol but if even after applying these lifestyle modifications you are feeling tired whole day then it may be a sign of serious medical problems and you need a physician to consult.
The Common problems of feeling lazy and weak are
- Anemia is a condition in which there is reduced red blood cell count which helps in oxygen transportation and reduced R.B.C causes breathing difficulty and weakness. Anemia results from iron deficiency, vitamin deficiency, blood loss, internal bleeding or from chance desires like rheumatoid arthritis, cancer or kidney failure.
- Thyroid disease is of two helps hyperthyroidism i.e. overreaction of thyroid lumen and hyperthyroidism i.e. very little secretion of thyroid hormone. Hyperthyroidism leads to muscle fatigue-ness and weakness.
- Diabetes: Persons having Diabetes feels fatigue, tired and lazy whole day. In blood sugar patients body is unable to use glucose properly and which spikes blood glucose level and leads to fatigue-ness.
- Depression: Depression causes many other major problems like lack of sleep, insufficient eating, concentration and memory problems and which reduces your body’s energy level i.e. fatigue.
- Rheumatoid Arthritis: It is an autoimmune disease i.e. yours body’s immune cells start to attack healthy joint tissue of the body and damage the bone and cartilages in such a way which is irreversible.
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Chronic fatigue causes too much tiredness which hampers the normal daily activity and results exhausted feeling in little workload.
- Sleep Apnoea: It is a disturbed sleep disorder i.e. a person’s stops breathing during sleep for few seconds and your brain gives a signal to wake up and to begin breathing again. The disturbed, improper sleep results next morning tiredness and laziness.
- Sedentary Lifestyles: Sitting throughout the day is very difficult for anyone’s body as it causes soreness, neck pain with stiffness, back pain and chronic headaches also a feeling of tiredness and fatigue-ness.
- Dehydration: It is the deficiency of water and electrolytes due to insufficient water intake. Dehydration affects heart to function smoothly and interferes with oxygen and nutrient transportation to brain muscle and organs at a slower speed which causes weakness, fatigue and lethargy feeling etc.
- Stress: Stress reduces your energy level especially when it is caused by anxiety.
- Poor Diet: A balanced and nutritious diet has a role in hormone balance, neurotransmitter function which causes anxiety and depression, sleep patterns, mood etc. but a poor diet causes tiredness all the time due to insufficient intake of many nutrients.
A healthy diet to remove laziness and weakness includes-
- Foods containing B-Vitamins like fish, organic eggs, poultry and green leafy vegetables.
- A food rich in calcium, magnesium, selenium and zinc which reduces stress level and induces proper sleep. The sources of food are organic dairy, avocados, salmon fish, green vegetables, nuts, and seeds.
- Healthy fat containing omega-3 fatty acids like fish, seeds, coconut and olive oil, avocados, nuts which help in hormone balance and fights off stress and depression.
- A protein rich food to keep your energy level high and also helps to restore your energy. Including more seeds and nuts, fish, chicken, cheese, beans, lentils, yogurt. At last drink plenty of water and fluids to keep hydrated.
limit or avoid-
- High sugary foods & junk foods
- Processed and refined flour
- Excessive caffeine and alcohol
– A light and regular exercise also keeps your heart, lungs healthy
and helps it to work efficiently