Have You Ever Heard That Migraine Can Be Cured By Some Foods?

Have you ever heard that the Migraine can be cured by some foods?
A migraine is a recurrent headache which affects the one side of a head. This causes nausea and disturbed vision. The causes of Migraine are still largely unknown. The Migraine can affect people between 15-55 years of age. Some people who are suffering from migraines can clearly identify the factors that cause headaches. Specific medications can help some sufferers. People who suffer from severe attacks can take preventative medicines.
What triggers migraine headaches?
- Any kind of allergies and allergic reactions
- Any kind of bright light, loud noises, smoky rooms, strong smells r certain odors or perfumes
- Any kind of Physical or emotional stress or tension, anxiety, depression and any kind of excitement.
- Sometimes tiredness and exercise can cause a migraine
- Irregular habit of sleeping
- Habit of Smoking
- Dehydration
- Alcohol
- Hormonal misbalanced caused by some factors such as fluctuations in menstrual cycle, contraceptive pills and sudden onset of menopause
- Foods containing tyramine (red wine, aged cheese, chicken livers, figs, and some beans), monosodium glutamate (MSG) can trigger the pain.
The substances which trigger pain do not always cause migraines and avoiding triggers does not always prevent migraines.
Foods which are not allowed during Migraine:
The Foods are most likely to trigger headaches and migraines include
- wheat
- Milk and cheese
- Any kind of Chocolates,
- coffee, sugar,
- peanuts
- Pork, chicken. turkey
- Chemical additives and preservatives.
- Tomatoes
- onions
- corn
- apples
- Eggs
- Certain beverages and additives are the worst trigger which includes any kind of alcoholic beverages especially red wine and caffeinated drinks such as coffee, tea, and colas.
Migraine Diet: Pain-Safe Foods
The Pain-safe foods are virtually never contributed to headaches or other painful conditions. These, include:
- Cereal products like rice especially brown rice are very good for this patient.
- Any kind of Cooked green vegetables such as broccoli, spinach etc
- Cooked orange vegetables such as carrots or sweet potatoes
- Any kind of cooked or dried non-citrus fruits such as cherries, pears, prunes (but not citrus fruits, apples, bananas, peaches, or tomatoes)
- Salt must intake in a lower amount.
- Plenty of water should be taken.
- The fluctuations in the blood sugar can cause a cascade of escalating pain that sets up our migraine response so missing of meals can be proven very harmful for the patient. The diet must include a lean protein that helps to keep glucose levels steady.
- It is proved that if the patients can take 400 mg of riboflavin (vitamin B2) daily then he or she can partly free from the pain after 3 months.
- A diet must be high in magnesium which helps to prevent all kinds of migraines but the mineral is mostly valuable for women who get menstrual migraines. The best foods for magnesium which include spinach, sweet potatoes, white potatoes, fresh amaranth, sunflower seeds, brown rice and whole grains.
- Water is actually a nutrient which is essential for our body’s proper function and dehydration is the common factor for initiating the migraine pain.
So the four nutrients play an important role to reduce the severe pain these are: riboflavin, magnesium, healthy fats like omega-3 and water itself.