Can You Exercise With High Blood Pressure?
Exercise is definitely good and is helpful to reduce high blood pressure (caused due to high cholesterol). Daily exercise helps to control the systolic and diastolic blood pressure. But yes, you need to take care of your heart beat while you are doing exercise. Try to avoid heavy cardio-exercises. It is always better to have exercise at slow pace to reduce high blood pressure. Even doctors suggest that you must follow some active exercise routine if you are having high blood pressure.
Let us check what kind of exercises can be followed while you are suffering from high blood pressure:
Walking: Brisk walk is very effective. This is one of the best cardiovascular exercises. Try walking at least 30 minutes a day.
Stretching: Stretching is useful for your joints and other body parts. Stretch for at least ten to fifteen minutes will also help your body to warm up. Stretching helps you to be flexible so it is effective in avoiding any injuries.
Yoga: Yoga is the best exercise you can try out. Follow some easy yoga poses and exercises which will help you to have a regularized heart beat and will help you to control you blood pressure. Yoga helps to relax your mind, body and soul.
You can also try some jogging, swimming, cycling, running, if your age and body permits. But this definitely needs to be followed on doctor’s advice only. People who suffer from high blood pressure are at times restricted from such cardio exercises as that may increase their anxiety level.
This is not all, you must try to regularize your blood pressure. So, you need to have good food which will consist of lot of fiber and green leafy vegetables and lean protein to keep your pressure in control. Avoid any bad habit of smoking or drinking as that may take you in wrong direction. Live a healthy life to get better results.
You may like to check your cholesterols and heart status. Book it right here