How To Remove Blackheads And Whiteheads?

By: on June 13th, 2016 in Health Tips


Blackheads sometimes referred to as “open comedones”, are small dark spots on the skin. A “closed comedo”, on the other hand, is a whitehead. What are blackheads? – Well, they’ve blocked pores that get filled with keratin, skin debris and sebum – an oily substance. This is the first stage of pimples of acne, as blackheads can grow to become pimples. They’re not really a health threat, but can be very frustrating as they come up on the most visible part of our body — the face. They can often be found on the nose, which naturally doesn’t look very good. You’ll definitely want to remove them, as soon as you notice them. It’s essential to know how to get rid of blackheads on nose safely and quickly.

How To Get Rid Of Blackheads On Nose Fast At Home


There is no conventional way to get rid of blackheads, sadly. There are some creams and solutions, but they can only remove the ugly scar left behind. Luckily fantastic home remedies exist that can work wonders on your skin. And the best thing about them is, they’re all-natural. As a result, they have no side effects. Today, we’ll give you several remedies that can help you get rid of blackheads.


Use egg whites to a mask to treat your pores. Not only will it get rid of blackheads on your nose, it will also prevent future outbreaks. Egg whites are good for your skin, as they’re rich in nutrients.


A single egg; a clean towel, a small bowl, and facial tissue


Separate the yolk from the egg white;
Rinse your face;
Pat your face to make it dry;
Apply the egg white on your skin (the layer should be thin);
Keep the toilet paper or facial tissue on the egg whites and press this gentry on your face;
Keep it for some time so that the layer can dry;
Now apply a second layer over the paper or tissue. The tissue or paper shouldn’t slide off;
Give it more time so that this layer can dry as well;
You can apply a third layer too — this is optional;
Your face will feel tight when your mask is dry;
Peel off the mask, and get rid of any residue;
Pat yourself dry and apply some moisturizer.



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