Foods To Increase Blood Platelets Count Naturally

By: on February 5th, 2020 in Health Tips

Platelets are a very essential blood component that helps the body to form clots to stop the bleeding in case of an injury. Due to the important role platelets play in the normal day to day functioning of a human body, it is advised that low platelet count should never be ignored. If diseases like dengue, malaria and chikungunya are not taken care of then the number of platelets in our body starts decreasing. But do not panic because the number of blood platelets can be increased naturally by eating healthy fruits and vegetables.

Today in our health blog, we will discuss platelet counts, symptoms of low platelets count and what kind of fruits and vegetables we should eat to increase blood platelets.

What are Platelet Counts?

Platelet count is a process of estimation of the number of platelets per microliter of blood. A normal blood platelets count lies between 150,000 – 450,000 platelets per microliter of blood. The reason behind low platelet production includes Aplastic Anaemia, deficiency of Vitamin B-12, Vitamin A & Vitamin K, folate deficiency and iron deficiency. Diseases including HIV, chickenpox, exposure to chemotherapy, radiation or toxic chemicals, consuming too much alcohol and liver cirrhosis problems are responsible for the low level of blood count.

Symptoms Of Low Blood Platelet Count

In case of low blood platelet count may have you experience the following symptoms:

  • Dark, red spots on the skin
  • Bleeding nose, gums
  • Headaches after minor injuries
  • Blood in the urine
  • Heavy menstrual bleeding
  • Rashes
  • Spontaneous or excessive bleeding
  • Blood in the stool
  • In case of a severe condition, you may vomit blood
  • Heavy internal bleeding may lead to bleeding in the brain.

Those who are suffering from above mentioned symptoms should consult the doctor immediately. Low platelet count can create severe complexities without proper medication.

So, let’s we have listed foods to increase blood platelets-

1. Pomegranate

Pomegranate is a delicious fruit which is good for the increasing blood platelet count. Besides helping to maintain a normal blood platelet count, the nutrients and minerals found in pomegranates also serve as an energy boost.

Pomegranate, Via:

It is rich in nutrients and it has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immunity enhancing properties. Eating pomegranate can help increase platelet count which directly reduces the risk of getting the disease. Apart from this, you can also drink pomegranate juice. You can also use pomegranate as a salad or as a snack.

Also Read: Health Benefits Of Pomegranate (अनार)

2. Beetroot

Beetroot intake is a popular diet which enhances the deficiency of blood in our body. It is rich in natural antioxidant and hemostatic properties which increases platelet count within a few days. If two to three teaspoons of beet juice are added to a glass of carrot juice, blood platelets grow rapidly You can also mix beetroot juice with pomegranate juice for better results. Due to the presence of antioxidants, beetroot also increase the body’s resistance.

3. Papaya/Papaya leaf

The use of papaya fruits and leaves helps in increasing the low platelets in a few days. According to the reports of the Asian Institute of Science and Technology found that the intake of papaya leaf juice can increase platelets in Daegu fever. If you want, you can take papaya leaves juice by boiling them in water, it tastes like green tea.

Consume Papaya Leaf Juice for increasing platelets count, Via:

Another home remedy to increase platelet count quickly is to boil papaya leaves in water and drink the resulting solution. This method is especially effective when there is a sharp decline in platelet count, such as in cases of dengue fever and malaria.

Also Read: 12 Shockingly True Unknown Health Benefits Of Papaya

4. Raisins

Raisins are rich in iron and help to stimulate blood production in your body and improve platelets in the same way. You can add raisins in your meal also. Raisins can be eaten as a delicious snack on their own, in oatmeal, or even sprinkled on yoghurt, in Pulao or in Biryani.

5. Carrot

Anaemic patients are advised to consume carrots and beetroot juice. Eating carrots twice a week increases the number of platelets. You can also consume them for physical benefits.

Carrot Juice, Via:

You can also take its juice. To get additional benefits of carrots for platelet growth, you can prepare and consume carrot juice, carrot soup.

6. Coconut Water

It is also very useful for increasing blood platelets in the body. Coconut water contains a good amount of electrolytes. Apart from this, it is also a good source of minerals which helps in meeting the deficiency of blood platelets in the body.

7. Giloy

Tinospora Cordifolia or Giloy is an Ayurvedic herb which has abundant medicinal properties. Giloy juice is very useful for increasing platelets in the blood. Regular intake of Giloy dengue increases blood platelets and strengthens their immunity. Take two pinch extracts of Giloy with a teaspoon of honey twice a day or keep the stem of Giloy soaked in water overnight then blend it in the mixer and filter this juice. Drink Giloy daily it in the morning for increasing blood platelets count.

8. Foods which contain Vitamin K & Folate

Deficiency of folate in the body may lead to a lower blood platelet count. Add more vitamin B9 or folate-rich foods that may be extremely important for healthy cell division in the body that can help increase blood platelet count. Include more orange juice, spinach, asparagus and leafy greens in your diet. Spinach is a good source of vitamin ‘K’ and is often used in the treatment of low platelet disorders. Vitamin ‘K’ is required for blood clotting.

Foods rich in Vitamin K, Via:

In this way, it reduces the risk of bleeding too much. Put 4 to 5 fresh spinach leaves in two cups of water and boil for a few minutes. Keep it to cool down. Then add half a glass of tomato juice in it than sip this juice three times a day. Apart from this, you can also use spinach as a soup, salad or vegetable.

Also Read: Everything You Should Know About Iron Deficiency: Its Causes, Symptoms & Treatment