Wonderful Benefits Of Coconut Water In Summer


Wonderful benefits of coconut water in summer:

Coconut water is one beautiful blessing from god, especially in summer! It is water full of shoothing drinks. It is the most natural and highly nutritious drink consists of many nutrients especially rich in minerals, vitamins, amino acids.

Among every tropical country summer is one very harsh weather for every living being! So to human. It mainly dries out your body water and not only that, but body minerals are also lost from excessive sweat. It is really a blessing, it contains every simple nutrient in a simple form to absorb immediately and help to replenish the requirements quickly. Naturally, it is one balanced drinks to eat by everyone. It is low in calorie too!

What actually is coconut water?

It is one liquid suspension, present inside the interior activity (endosperm) of the young (ideally the fruit while about 5-7 month old) fruit. Mature coconut has less water than the younger one. The liquid content of coconut water may vary from 200 – 700 ml of water, mainly depends on the size.

Why it is the best drink in summer?

  • It is the best drink to prevent and to treat dehydration :

Dehydration is one most common phenomenon during summer; sun stroke, heat stroke, excessive sweating are very fatal conditions and frequently happened during summer. It can even take your life if not treated with emergency!

Coconut water intake actually helps you to rehydrate the well balanced liquid is best ever natural fluid to drink during dehydrated state. Hence consumption of coconut water in summer prevents the occurrence of dehydration and not only that if excessive fluid loss have already happened then it can also be use as therapeutic drinks to treat. That is why many athletes use it during their work out season.

  • It is one best remedy for muscle cramps:

Muscle cramp can be possible due to many reason, one such example is excessive work out at outdoors, especially at summer. It causes fluid lose and many mineral los as well. Ultimately if it is not replaced then muscle cramp will be possible, because our muscle need so many minerals in different proportions for its proper functions.

According to many different studies throughout the world, coconut water is rich in potassium; thus during muscle cramp-it is most useful remedy to stop and prevent it without drug treatment.

  • It is very good drink during indigestion and bloating problem:

Coconut s one natural health drink and the most easily digestible one! Summer is another season while people suffer from indigestion; bloating, flatulence etc. Coconut water acts to relief this abdominal discomfort easily. (its mineral content is very helpful in this case)

  • Coconut water have the important role in lowering Blood pressure:

Hypertension is one common fact for mass in India; especially during summer; hypertension and it’s sudden attack were very common. Coconut water itself have antithrombotic effects, means it protect against blood clot formations, not only that many studies already prove that consumption of coconut water has a lowering effect on blood pressure. It also helps in reducing cholesterol level in blood as well.

  • Summer and diarrhea have a very historic relationship, especially at every tropical country(like India). It is due to many reasons but increased bacterial activity during summer season is one most common reason. Sometimes people have to admit at the hospital and replacing their fluid loss is one important life-threatening criteria for that time.
  • Other than its best minerals content like sodium, potassium magnesium, etc. it also contains amino acids, enzymes, fatty acids, and thus t is used as ideal natural fluid replacement for diarrheal dehydration. It is easily digestible too so no overburden occurs to our gastrointestinal tract during these health conditions.
  • It acts as a short-term replacement for human blood plasma.100ml coconut water contains about 250mg of potassium and 105mg of sodium that helps to replenish electrolytes deficiency as well.
  • It provides instant energy
  • It helps to balance the pH level in the blood
  • It is also helpful in relieving headaches and also mood disorders.
  • It is the best drink after a prolonged workout.