Mushroom Is A High Protein Foods


Mushroom is a High Protein Food

Edible mushroom is a healthy fungus and is one of the good sources of proteins for vegetarians. Mushrooms are cholesterol and gluten free with very few calories and low fat and sodium. It is a fiber rich with loaded vitamins and minerals and about 70-90% of water content. It is made up of complex carbohydrates and contains high-quality proteins with almost eight essential amino acids. The deficient essential amino acid in mushroom is methionine but with an inclusion of cereals, broccoli or corn along with mushrooms in the meal make it a complete protein.

It contains many essential nutrients and they play a great role in our health.

  • Its high fiber content and lean protein help to decrease cholesterol level and good for a diabetic as it promotes the insulin formation and its regulation.
  • Mushrooms are a good source of vitamin-B.
  • The Pantothenic acid which helps in hormone production and controls nervous system.
  • Riboflavin helps in R.B.C formation
  • Niacin is important for good skin and also maintains healthy digestive and nervous system.
  • It is rich in Vit-D which is important for calcium absorption and also inhibits the development of cancer cells.
  • These are good sources of copper and iron. Its copper content absorbs oxygen and induces the red blood cell formation and iron also enhances R.B.C formation thus good for anemic.
  • Mushrooms are rich in antioxidants selenium which neutralizes free radicals and protects cells from damaging thus reducing cancer and other diseases risk. It also decreases tumor formation and as a whole, it boosts the immune system.
  • It contains enough potassium and low sodium and these two minerals are very essential to maintain blood pressure by working together and thus reducing the risk of hypertension and cardiac diseases.
  • Mushroom contains Beta-Glucans and linolenic acid which are anticarcinogenic effects. The linolenic acid reduces the production of aromatase enzyme which is needed for estrogen formation and lowers the risk of breast cancers. The Beta-Glucans lowers the growth of cells causing prostate cancer.
  • Mushrooms are anti-inflammatory in nature as it contains triterpenes that interrupt the histamine production which induces inflammation.
  • Good source of calcium which is essential for the healthy bone formation and reduces the risk of osteoporosis and joint pains.
  • The natural antibiotics of mushrooms inhibit the growth of microbes and infections and also help to treat ulcers and wounds.
  • The fibers like Beta-glucans and chitin enhances satiety and decreases appetite thus helps in weight reduction. These are low in calories and fats which also supports weight loss.
  • The choline present in mushrooms induces sleep, movements of muscles and enhances learning and concentration.

Mushrooms are the good substitute of meats. These are very delicious as well as nutritious and have many varieties with different flavor and texture. But one should cautiously choose wild mushrooms for consumption as these grow in the polluted area and contains toxins like heavy metals and other chemicals which are harmful and cause several health problems like tiredness, food poisoning, concentration problems, skin allergies, anxiety, headache even death. So better to go for organic mushrooms and if choosing regular then choose firm, dry and mushrooms which are unbruised.

Note: Avoid mushrooms during pregnancy and if someone is allergic. It is good for diabetics, cardiac and obese patients.  It is also good for hair and skin.