Green Roughage To Control Sugar And Cholesterol



Green roughages are quite helpful in the regulation of blood sugar and cholesterol level.

What is green roughage?

The green roughage is the indigestible part of the food which is derived from the plants. It mainly has two important components.

  1. Soluble fiber- Soluble fiber gets easily dissolved in the water and it is readily fermented in the colon to gas and physiological byproduct and it can be vicious & prebiotic. It delays the gastric emptying so we get the feeling of fullness for a long time.
  2. Insoluble fiber – Insoluble fiber are those which does not dissolve in water and it provides bulk or it can be metabolic ferment and prebiotic in the large intestine. Bulking fiber try to absorb water as they pass through the digestive system.

How green roughages control sugar & cholesterol?

  1. Broccoli- The broccoli is absolutely best to remedy to lower the blood sugar level and so even the cholesterol level. Steamed broccoli is quiet effective than that of raw broccoli to reduce blood cholesterol and sugar level. The fiber in broccoli lowers the cholesterol level and sugar by binding with bile acid in the digestive tract and it is excreted out of the body. It should be made part of the diet like Broccoli salad, broccoli curry, broccoli soup.
  2. Fruit- Green apple, guava, musubi consumption can reduce the blood sugar level and cholesterol level. Because all these fruits contain high fiber which prevents the elevation of blood sugar level and cholesterol level. Eat is better to eat fruit with skin because the skin of the fruit contains more fiber which is beneficial for lowering the blood cholesterol and sugar level.
  3.   Green beans and legumes-  Green Bengal gram dal, green dal are all rich in fiber which help to lower the cholesterol level and prevent blood sugar level rising too rapidly after a meal.  Recent studies have ¾ cup of bean consumption on a daily basis can help to lower down the LDL cholesterol level. Triglyceride level, total cholesterol level and also blood sugar level. These are low in fat mostly in contain polyunsaturated fatty acid; it is the healthy source of carbohydrate and fiber. It is good for people with insulin resistance in diabetes. Bean can be added in the salad, bean juice, bean in the vegetable sandwich is quite healthy.
  4. Spinach – Spinach is the best food to reduce blood sugar level and also cholesterol level. Spinach can give impressive health benefit. Spinach contains lutein. Which protect arteries from clogging and it also prevents muscular degeneration. Spinach and bean can fight high cholesterol level and blood sugar level. Spinach soup, spinach soya curry, spinach juice are the best food to consume.
  5. Green Peas- Peas are a starchy vegetable which is packed with vitamin C, A and K. One gram of green peas helps to boost more than 7-8 gm of fiber. One cup Split pea after cooking gives 16.3 gm of fiber.

Green roughage is quite healthy for us.