Environment & Pollution

Hay Fever

  Hay Fever, known medically as Allergic Rhinitis is an ailment that causes some very irritating symptoms, though not life…

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Health Mistakes You Make Everyday

  Suddenly stop taking medicines – Most of us are guilty of this one. We start  start feeling slightly better…

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3 Causes Of Cancer At Home That You Should Immediately Throw Away!

  We believe that home is the safest place on this planet however this is not the truth. We have…

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Symptoms And Treatments Of Food Poisoning!

  Foodborne illness, more commonly referred to as food poisoning, is the result of eating contaminated, spoiled, or toxic food….

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Important Step Towards Healthy Lifestyle- Hand Wash Techniques

  Keeping hands clean is one of the most important steps towards a healthy lifestyle. If someone wants to avoid…

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Stop Nail Biting- 7 Important Facts That Will Stop You From Biting Your Nails

Many of us have a habit of biting our nails in our childhood and still are biting and fighting with this…

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Benefits Of Hand Wash

Hand washing is important because it protects us from various types of illness and diseases. Generally, children don’t listen to…

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Your Safety Guide For Avoiding Allergic Reactions In The Workplace

Shared kitchens, treats at office parties, insect-friendly landscaping around the building — if you have severe allergies, there are a…

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10 Amazing Facts About Your Immune System

The immune system is made up of a network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to protect the…

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