Water Consumption During Winter Season

Water Consumption During Winter Season
In winter temperature drops and the air gets dry which steals our body’s moistures easily because in winter we drink less water than summer. Our body needs water for basic body functions like breathing, sweating, urination, regulating body temperatures, for chemical reactions, flushing out toxins, nutrient absorption, for lubrication, to control our appetite and for proper metabolism. If our water intake drops it causes dizziness, cramps, fatigue, concentration problem, strokes and even we are more prone to catch, cold and flu.
The amount of water intake is variable from one person to other according to their type of work, weight, sex, age, exercise. In general, a sedentary man needs 8-10 glasses of water/day and a woman need 6-8 glasses of water while men doing exercise requires 10-14 glasses of water/day and a woman requires 8-12 glasses of water and a pregnant or lactating women needs 10 glasses of water/day.
The cold weather needs more water than warmer weather though we don’t feel thirsty or sweat to combat dehydration plenty of water is necessary as dehydration causes many problems like loss of appetite or weakens our shivering response and so many.
Reasons to drink enough water also during winter:
- Drinking enough water eases digestion by properly processing the food. In winter when we try to get sedentary, drinking water is essential to carry out bodily functions and without enough water, our body functions slow down and that need extra energy.
- Drinking less water causes dehydration and during winter dehydrated body results in dull scaly and flaky skin, chapped lips and also dull complexion. Drinking plenty of water provides clearer, healthier and brighter skin and also prevents from drying.
- Drinking enough water prevents dehydration which leads to fatigue and thus keeps us energetic throughout the day.
- Drinking plenty of water controls weight gain as sometimes we get confused thirst as hunger and we take enough food so by drinking water instead of frequent snacks just after the heavy meals controls weight gain.
- In winter though we don’t sweat, so there is no loss of water from the body. During winter with our breath water vapor escapes out from the body as steam and causes water depletion into the body so drinking plenty of water is must during winter also.
- Without enough water, it is difficult to detoxify toxins out from the body.
Ways to include water with other fluids:
If you are unable to take enough water then it can be replaced by other fluids or watery foods but to keep hydrated is very important.
- Incorporate plenty of fruits and vegetables as these are the natural sources of water and it will maintain our water intake.
- Drink water along with alcohol and caffeinated beverages as these drink loses more water through urine.
- Clear soups and broths also provide water and it also helps us to keep warm during winter.
- Warm herbal or green tea also keeps us hydrated.
- Sipping fruit juices also makes drinking water easier.
- Use of humidifiers prevents dry air and prevents stealing moisture.
- Avoid salty foods as it increases water demands, retains water and causes bloating.
- Drink enough water before, during and after exercise even if you are not sweating or feeling thirsty.
Easy tips to be hydrated always:
- Always carry a water bottle along with you.
- Drink a glass of water early in the morning to flush out toxins.
- Include soup at lunch and dinner.
- Substitute water instead of sodas or colas or alcohols.
- Drink juices, coconut water or eat fruits instead of taking junk foods.
- Add flavors like lime, orange to make water tastier.