How Much Safe The Processed Foods ?

How much Safe the Process Foods
Chemically processed foods are unhealthy they make people obese as well as sick. They are made up of refined materials with many additives and preservatives to make food more appealing which increases their sell and also cost but they compromise our health in various ways which are mentioned below:
- Processed foods are rich in sugars and high fructose corn syrups and excess sugary foods are not good for our health because of their empty calorie and deficient nutrients. Sugar interferes with metabolism and diminishes the cells ability to respond to insulin, increases blood cholesterol and supports fat accumulation into the liver and abdomen. All these lead to serious diseases like cardiac disease, diabetes, obesity and even cancers.
- Processed foods are devoid of hunger and fullness cues and its human nature that we ask palatable foods and these palatable foods are the processed foods. These processed foods are calorie dense and it won’t give satiety feelings and as a result, it leads to overeating of these foods and thus results to obesity and other health risks.
- Processed foods contain artificial chemicals, preservatives, colours, flavours and textures to increase the shelf life of food and also to increase its market value. These additives have many adverse effects on health.
- Processed foods become like an addiction as it affects our brain in such a way that we get addicted to these foods and day by day losing our control of avoiding these processed foods and regular consumption of these processed foods results to various health problems.
- Processed foods are rich in unhealthy refined carbohydrates and carbohydrates are the major source of energy and processed foods contains refined carbohydrates instead of healthy carbohydrates. These refined carbohydrates take less time for digestion and thus rapidly raises the blood sugar and insulin level.
- Processed foods are nutrient deficient as nutrients get discarded while processing. So synthetic and artificial vitamins and minerals are introduced to compensate for the loss. But these nutrients have less valuable effects than real ones.
- Processed foods are devoid of high fibres. Fibres play an important role in keeping our gut health alright. Fibre helps us to keep satiated for long hours and also reduces our hunger feeling. Soluble fibres are helpful against constipation, IBS etc. But processed foods lost their fibre content either intentionally or unintentionally during processing.
- Processed foods digest very quickly and require very less energy. As fibres are removed they are easy to swallow and chew. They need very less time for digestion so needs few calories and we eat more foods in a short space of time and spend little calories which result in obesity.
- Processed foods are rich in saturated fats and Transfats. the unhealthy fats which increase the risks of cardiac diseases. Processed foods contain fewer amounts of real fats like butter, coconut oil and olive oil.
Processed foods provide varieties in the diet and also availability in off seasons throughout the year. They require less preparation time and make our life easier. The shelf life of foods is extended so there is a less chance of spoilage. During natural calamities and travelling processed foods solely fulfils the nutritional demands.
Processed foods are unhealthy so limit it and choose unprocessed foods which are the key to maintain good health.