How To Balance Your Hormones


‘Hormones’ is a chemical component produced by endocrine glands that are transported by the blood to target distant organs to regulate their functions.Hormones work best when produced in the optimum level. Decrease or increase in production leads to Hormonal Imbalances.

Some causes of the imbalance include

  1. Lack of sleep
  2. Poor food intake or poor nutrition
  3. Stress
  4. Sedentary lifestyle
  5. Taking medications like steroids etc.

Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalance

  1. Unexplained weight gain or loss
  2. Insomnia
  3. Digestive issues
  4. Depression and anxiety
  5. Hairloss and hair thinning
  6. Infertility
  7. Fatigue and tiredness

Diabetes,hypertension,thyroid,Poly cystic ovarian syndrome,low estrogen or testosterone are all associated with hormonal imbalance.Some major early symptoms that we ignore so often are gut issues,inflammations and high stress.It all starts in the stomach. If the gut bacteria or the probiotic is poor you are more susceptible to hormonal imbalance. The first signs like burping and farting often should not be taken lightly and immediately addressed by changing a few things like fiber intake in your diet.

So then how do we balance our hormones

  1. Exercise regularly:Exercise is great for balancing hormones as it reduces inflammation, lowers stress, regulates appetite and improves sleep
  2. Eat Fresh: Eat more of fibrous food and fresh foods to improve your gut health
  3. Eat healthy fats like omega-3 that helps reducing inflammation
  4. Reduce stress: Stress produces a hormone called cortisol.This increases the free radical damage to the body.
  5. Limit alcohol and caffeine: It elevates the levels of cortisol and affects the absorption of the nutrients
  6. Check your vitamin D levels its a hormone by itself and helps reduce inflammation
  7. Say no to birth control pills.
  8. Use herbs in your food for flavoring they contain the micro nutrient minerals for hormone production
  9. Meditate regularly to keep the hormones in a balance.

Know what you are deficient in and listen to you body and act accordingly. After all prevention is any day better than cure.