Health Benefits Of Soya And Tofu For All



Soya and soya product have multi-dimensional effectiveness.


Soya is yield from the soya bean pod that is placed in the soya plant.

History of soy-

Soya bean pod was first cultivated 4000 years ago in China.


Tofu is also known as bean card. It is made by coagulating soy milk and pressing it to obtain curd in a soft white block.


Tofu making has been started long back in china around 2000 years during Han dynasty.

Health benefits of soy-

  1. Healthy weight gain- Soya powder and soybean itself help to gain weight as soybean contain high protein, it is around 42 gm. per 100 gm. Protein is the building block of muscle. Adequate soy consumption can lead muscle and lean mass enhancement.
  2. Healthy weight loss- Soybean contain adequate fiber along with the protein it acts like the appetite suppressant. We can soy product instead of the main meal. Soybean can be used weight reduction for the patient with diabetes, hyperlipidemia, and cardiovascular disorder.
  3. Metabolic activity- Soybean is a good source of protein. When body get protein then metabolic function and overall system get a boost. Protein is the essential part of human body & a building block of cell and blood vessel. Soybean helps in regrowth, repair of cells and replace.
  4. Heart health-  Soybean does not contain saturated fat. Soya is the good source of heart-friendly diet. This help to prevent the condition like stroke, heart attack, and atherosclerosis. There are two essential fatty acids which protect the heart. These are linolenic acid and linoleic acid. Soy contains two kinds of fat.

Health benefit of tofu-

  1. Menopause- Tofu contains a high amount of calcium, women need high calcium during and after menopause.   It also helps to reduce the bone loss and also hot flush. It prevents rheumatoid arthritis.
  2. Cancer- Tofu is the good source of selenium, selenium is one of the important antioxidants. The main function of this antioxidant is to prevent cancer; it has been found that Tofu consumption can reduce the risk of the colon cancer. Men who consume tofu have the lower risk of prostate cancer. It has been found women who have 60% tofu in their main diet have 80% lower risk of breast cancer.
  3. Aging – Tofu slower aging process. Tofu helps to bring the elasticity of the skin and tone up the muscle. Tofu helps tone up the facial muscle. A paste of tofu is made if it is applied on the skin it is pretty helpful.
  4. Hair loss- Hair is primarily is made of protein which is known as keratin. By eating tofu hair gets enough protein and keeps it healthy. Instead of opting expensive hair treatment is better to have tofu has the main diet. Tofu consumption reduces hair loss.
  5. Heart disease- Tofu helps to reduce the heart disease. Tofu contains good fats. It helps to reduce the level of the low-density lipoprotein, which in turn boost protectiveness against cardiovascular disease.

Soya and tofu have overall health benefits.

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