Bitter Gourd? Must Add In Your Daily Meals !!


Bitter gourd or Karela is a popular vegetable and is used for varieties of medicinal purposes as it contains important nutrients like iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, Vitamin-C, Beta Carotene and dietary fiber. Though it tastes bitter but is a sweet natural remedy for our health problems.
Importance of Bitter Gourd :
• Maintains Blood Sugar (Diabetes): Insulin-like compound i.e. polypeptide-P, P-insulin is found in bitter gourd which naturally controls Diabetes. It also improves glycemic control by improving the utilization of glucose.
• Reduces Bad Cholesterol: Bitter gourd reduces bad cholesterol i.e LDL and thus reduces the risk of heart diseases and stroke. Though it is rich in potassium it controls blood pressure by absorbing excess sodium from the blood. Its iron and folic acid content keeps our heart healthy and also prevents from the stroke.
• Helps to Glow Skin and Lustering Hair: Bitter gourd is rich in antioxidants and Vit A and C which keeps our skin healthy by reducing wrinkles due to its anti-aging effects. It also prevents from acne, blemishes, eczema, scabies,       ringworm and psoriasis by purifying blood from toxins. It also protects from UV rays.
The Vit-A, C, Biotin and Zinc provides luster to our hair and also decreases hair loss, hair graying, split ends, rough hair, dandruff and itchiness if it’s juice applied to the scalp regularly.
• Detoxify Liver and Relieves from Hang-Over: Bitter gourd juice relaxes from the hangover by removing nicotine out from the body. It nourishes liver by cleansing and repairing.
• Helps in Weight Reduction: It contains only 19 calories/100gm, 3 % carbohydrate and zero % fat content which easily reduces weight if consumed daily.
• Helps in Boosting Immune System and Preventing Cancer: Bitter gourd boosts our immunity by removing toxins and by fighting against foreign particles. It has anti-carcinogenic and anti-tumour properties which prevent from free radicals damage thus reducing the risks of certain cancers,like breast, cervical and prostate.
• Good for Eye-Sight: It contains Vit-A and beta carotene which are good for the eyes. It prevents eyes from cataract, improves our eyesight, and reduces dark circles, macular degeneration in older.
• Relieves from Asthma and Respiratory Problems: Bitter gourd cures from asthma, chronic cough, cold and helps in breathing by removing respiratory tract septum.
• Enhances Digestion and Relieves from Constipation: Bitter gourd increases enzyme production and thus helps in improved digestion.Juice also cures to piles, constipation due to high fiber content. It also cures to gastrointestinal diseases and kills parasitic worms.
• HIV/AIDS: Bitter gourd juice reduces the triggering factors of HIV/AIDS and prevents the skin cells from damaging.
• Prevents from Cholera, Malaria and from Other Viruses: It is a natural remedy for the diseases like cholera and malaria. It also prevents from measles, chickenpox, and herpes viruses.
• Helps from Gout: Due to its anti-inflammatory activities, it gives relaxation from inflammation and pain produced in gout.

Though it is very beneficial it should be consumed carefully in required quantity i.e. not more than two in vegetable serving or 100 ml juice because a large amount of bitter gourd consumption causes some side effects also.
• An excess inclusion of bitter gourd causes abdominal pain, headache, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
• It also stimulates the uterus and resulting preterm labor. However, 30 ml is recommended for pregnant and lactating mothers as its rich folate contents keep new born baby safe from neural defects resulting from folate deficiency.
• Bitter gourd contains some alkaloids like quinine, resins etc which sometimes causes intolerances to some people.
• It decreases blood sugar level very rapidly so avoid it for hypoglycemic patients.
• Long term large consumption of bitter gourd causes atherosclerosis and also damages the liver.

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