Beware Of Fog Can Cause Severe Allergies

Beware of Fog can cause severe Allergies
Fog is a low lying cloud which is formed by the tiny water droplets which club with the atmosphere around the Earth’s surface and obstructs the visibility very poorly.
We can see fog when water vapour condenses and forms tiny invisible water droplets in the air. It forms when there are high humidity and low temperature which causes enough water vapour in the air and when this water vapor comes in contact with dust or air pollutants it condenses and forms fog which disappears when the temperature rises after sunrise.
There are four main types of fog:-
1)Radiation fog Or Ground fog:- It forms in the night when day’s heat is absorbed by the Earth’s surface and begins to radiate during an evening as heat from the ground comes in contact with air which forms water droplets called Radiation fog.
2) Advection fog:- When cold winds come in contact with warm breezes, then water vapour starts to condense to form smog.
3) Valley Fog:- It creates when mountain obstructs the thick air from coming out and thus trapped to the valley.
4) Freezing Fog:- It creates when a liquid fog starts to freeze. These are generally formed in the cold and moist climate
Fog does not cause much harmful effect except visibility, but when it comes in contact with other air pollutants and forms smog it causes various health hazards like:-
- Lung Problems: The dust of the air gets checked into the lungs and result in the wheezing, coughing and breath shortness.
- Coughing Problems: When smog is inhaled, it irritates and produces a cough.
- Asthma: Smog makes it unable to breathe for asthma and worsen the condition.
- Bronchitis: Smog inflames mucous membranes and makes it difficult for bronchitis patients.
- Eye Irritation: Smog also irritates the eye membranes and results in eye infection, redness and swelling of eyes.
- Nose Problems: These pollutants irritate and inflames nose and cause allergic rhinitis.
- Head Problems: These pollutants cause chronic migraine pain, concentration problem, lethargy and depression.
- Ear Problems: These foggy pollutants cause ear infection and vestibular disorders like tinnitus (ear ringing), vertigo, sinusitis, dizziness and hearing loss.
Global warming dust and fog:
Fog affects climate and it is dangerously causing global warming. Pollution raises global warming, which causes the dusty environment and this environment obstructs the sunlight and form low-lying clouds, i.e. fogs as these alter the temperature and humidity.
Prevention from fogs:
- Keeping the environment clean with unnecessary air pollutants keeps away fogs.
- Don’t exercise and avoid playing near the polluted area where fog appears.
- Choose walking or bicycling or public transport instead of using personal cars.
- Plant more trees to reduce pollution to minimize fog and forest must not be deforested.
- If going from polluted areas wear masks or cover your nose and mouth with a handkerchief to check polluted gas inhalation.
- Don’t burn leaves, garbages and other wastes in the open public areas.
- Industries should be developed into the safe area away from residential places and there must be pollution control methods and devices to check pollution thus to control fogs.
Fogs forms naturally with human-made activities which harms our health and to avoid these pollutants, we should prevent traffics, industrial areas, use masks to cover the face.