Symptoms, Causes And Treatments Of Indigestion


Symptoms of indigestion
* Bloating.
* Belching and gas.
* Nausea and vomiting.
* An acidic taste in your mouth.
* Fullness during or after a meal.
* Growling stomach.
* Burning in your stomach or upper belly.
* Belly pain.
Causes of indigestion
Anyone can face the problem of indigestion:
* Ulcers
* Stomach cancer. This is rare.
* Gastroparesis, a condition where the stomach doesn’t empty properly. It often happens to people with diabetes.
* Stomach infections
* Irritable bowel syndrome
* Pancreatitis, an inflamed pancreas
* Thyroid disease

* Try not to chew with your mouth open, talk while you chew, or eat too fast. This makes you swallow too much air, which can add to indigestion.
* Drink beverages after rather than during meals.
* Avoid late-night eating.
* Try to relax after meals.
* Avoid spicy foods.
* If you smoke, quit.
* Avoid alcohol.

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