Effective Strategies For Losing Pregnancy Weight?


Post pregnancy weight loss is a very difficult task for women. Many women gain extra weight during pregnancy. Carrying on pregnancy weight gain leads to serious health problems like heart disease and diabetes. So, losing the pregnancy weight is important for future pregnancy or it may develop gestational diabetes and hypertension. Naturally by some lifestyle changes and following healthy eating habits many women lose weight gain during pregnancy.
Weight Gain during pregnancy:
When women get pregnant it’s important to calculate how much weight she should need to gain during entire pregnancy by calculating her BMI. Weight gain is variable for underweight, normal, and overweight, obese and with twin baby mothers.
Ways to Loss Post Pregnancy Weight:
Breast Feeding: Breastfeeding is very important factor for weight loss in postpartum. Breastfeeding burns extra calories because our body needs extra calories to produce sufficient milk. Exclusive breastfeeding sheds almost 500to 800 calories.
Diet: Nutrition is directly related to weight loss plan.
• Avoid junk, sugary foods is very effective for weight loss after pregnancy.
• Avoid high calorie or empty calorie foods like sodas, sweets, desserts, chips. Choose lightly cooked or steamed vegetables instead of fried ones.
• Include more fruits and vegetables which add bulk to our diet.
• Include low calorie meals with whole grain cereals. Baked or stewed or lightly cooked lean chicken instead of fried or gravy. Prefer egg white or poached egg instead of whole egg or fried eggs.
• Low fat dairy products.
• Include nuts and sprouts as it takes enough time for digestion and keep us satiated.

Simple exercise or walking will also help to reduce body weight after four to eight weeks of delivery. After taking doctor’s advice some aerobic exercise like –swimming, jogging, cycling, running, yoga asanas are also helpful to reduce weight. Maintain our body’s hydration status during or after exercise by drinking plenty of water or juices.
Plenty of Rest: Due to baby’s demand of milk, mother’s sleep pattern disturbs and it affects the metabolism of the body. Sleep deficiency causes many problems like fatigue-ness, increased stress levels and it does not allow us to do work sufficiently in working hours and makes us lethargic so ultimately resulting to weight gain.
It regains good control of our bladder and gives strength to pelvic floor and it helps to burn calories but advisable after four to six weeks of pregnancy.
Allow our body to recover: Do not go for weight loss plan just after a child’s birth unless we recovered from inside. Give one month time to recover the body naturally into normal process. Start a weight loss plan after consulting to a doctor or dietitian in a healthy way.
Other Measures:
Avoid large meals. Take small and frequent meals. A minimum gap is necessary between two meals and segregation our calories into throughout the day.
Don’t skip meals especially breakfast.
Don’t eat when tired, angry or in worry.
End Note:
After a delivery woman naturally sheds approx 5 kg weight i.e. babies and placenta weight. After a week of postpartum also, some weight loss appears due to loss of retained fluids. It is advisable not more than 1 pound weight loss per week with proper diet, physical activity and exclusive breastfeeding. It takes nearly six months or sometimes even more to lose extra weight during pregnancy.