Breast Cancer At Any Age !!

By: on December 31st, 2016 in

Breast Cancer at any Age

Generally, breast cancers occur after the age of fifty but can affect at any age and the women’s who are at risk are-

  • Women having innocuous breast disease.
  • Genetic history
  • Women who are undergoing chest radiation treatment
  • Genetic mutation defects of BRCA 1 or BRCA 2
  • If menstruation starts before the age of twelve
  • Having first child at late age
  • Obesity
  • Taking birth control pills
  • Hormone replacement therapy
  • Alcohol, red meats

It is very difficult to detect breast cancer in young age as their breast are developing and dense so it is difficult to feel a lump in early stages so cancer gets advanced and it is very difficult to control.

Younger have more genetic mutation defects of BRAC 1 or BRAC 2 and it is more problematic to treat breast cancer at a younger age.

As it is difficult to diagnose the breast cancer because of ignorance of breast lump or nipple discharges as it can be considered as a harmless cyst by many of us. So it causes many problems.

Breast cancer can be detected by mammograms but these are not recommended because of radiation exposure so only suspected individuals or having a family history of breast cancer is advised. There should be a self-examination of the breast at a young age and if they look or feel differently or if there is a pain then consult with your doctor. A regular breast examination by a doctor in every three years after the age of twenty is helpful to avoid breast cancer and Mammograms after the age of 45 in every two years.


The treatment consists of surgery, radiation, chemotherapy and hormone therapy and it depends on women’s physical fitness and personal conditions.

  • Surgery: Two surgeries are there for breast cancer treatment.
  • Lumpectomy: Removing tumor with some nearby tissues.
  • Mastectomy: Totally removal of breast
  • Radiation, Chemotherapy or Hormone therapy are advised after lumpectomy to kill any remaining cancer cells so that it cannot reoccur again.
  • Some Dietary Tips for Breast Cancers:
  • Small and frequent meals instead of two heavy meals
  • Plenty of fluids like milkshakes, smoothies, juices and soups but not just before or during meals as it will decrease your appetite.
  • Include low-fat foods and drinks
  • Include plenty of fruits and vegetables.
  • Avoid sugar and sugary foods
  • Herbal tea, ginger or mint tea sips help to combat nauseated feelings.
  • Choose soft and bland diets like thickened soups and stews
  • Avoid very salty, hard, spicy, fried and hot foods
  • Include high fiber foods like whole wheat, bread, beans, lentils, fresh and dried fruit, oats etc.

It is rare to have breast cancer under the age of forty but it’s better to be alert and detect breast cancer at an early stage without going depressed.  Breast cancers even occur to pregnant but it can be treated by depending on gestational stages of pregnancy.

Breast cancer treatment has harmful effects to sexuality, fertility and pregnancy and even with beauty. So consult a physician if you are unmarried or not conceived child.