How To Take Care Of Your Soft Skin From Uv Rays


How to take care of your soft skin from UV rays:

Top-rated cancer research institute has already proved with evidence that any person who get sun exposure for a continuous period of time, have higher chances of skin cancer than others.

People used to misbelieve that sun protection is needed only when they are spending the day at the lake, beach or pool. Actually, the sun exposure means not day events, it is day after day exposed to the sun is actually the high exposure counts.

Here are some tips to protect your soft skin from the sun:

  • The best way to be protected is to be into the shade; while exposing a very long period of time. It actually the best idea as it limits UV exposure.
  • Wearing cloth used to protect our skin from direct exposure to toxic UV radiations; thus remain well dressed and try to cover up the maximum body. Wearing full sleeved shirts and long pants etc
  • Use sunscreen to protect your face and the part of your body exposed to going out.
  • Wear hat properly, as it helps to protect exposure of ear, eye and front part of the face.
  • Wear UV rays protecting sunglasses. Our eyes were also exposed to UV rays.
  • Wear proper sandal with coverings as it protects your feet from UV rays.

But sun rays or UV rays not all bad for us. We need to have exposed ourselves to the sun at least twice a week so that our skin can synthesize proper vitamin-D stores for that rest week. We all know how important the vitamin-D and is one huge research area, scientists are getting concern day by day. As vitamin-D not only helping in bone development but also it plays a crucial role in our immunity, cardiovascular health, it also helps to maintain diabetes as well. Other than some gland, every single cell has its receptors, and most surprising thing is –we can only be able to get it by sun rays, not even our diet can provide even 10% of our RDA(according to ICMR 2010).The best time to get vitamin-D is between 11 am to 3 pm of the day. Other than that sun rays are becoming very harmful nowadays, as pollution comes out with a high peak as our ozone layer is shortening, thus more harmful sun rays are coming to the earth surface. UV –B rays were mainly toxic. The concept of sun exposure is changing all over the world.

Above all, you need to be exposed to the sun to get vitamin-D naturally, and it is just exposing you for half an hour per week is enough, other than that try to be protected from sun rays. We actually need to have balanced sun exposure and to make sure that we will not suffer from Vitamin-D deficiency and also not getting sunburn or tanning, to our soft skin.