How To Boost Up Immunity!!



The immune system helps to fight against disease and it is really important to boost our immune system to keep away from getting sick frequently. Enhanced Immune system requires a proper lifestyle to function smoothly.

Immune system is affected by factors like:

  • Faulty Diet
  • Without Exercise
  • Lack of Sleep
  • Stress
  • Isolation
  • Lack of amusement
  • Avoid smoking
  • Moderate consumption of alcohol


Along with quantity of food, proper selection of food is also important. Few foods enhance our body’s immune system.

  • Vit- C rich foods-Citrus fruits, broccoli, spinach, kale, Brussel sprouts, bell peppers
  • Vit-E rich like almonds, peanuts and whole grains
  • Vit-D sources fatty fish and fortified foods like cereals, milk makes our immune system strong and lowers rate of infection.
  • Vit-B-6 found in bananas, chicken breast (lean), tuna fish, baked potatoes, and chickpeas helps in biochemical reactions of the immune system.
  • Zinc rich foods- Beans, turkey, beef, crab and oysters it reduces immune response by lowering hypersensitivity.
  • Bioflavonoid sources are fruits and vegetables
  • Selenium rich foods like- chicken, whole grains, eggs, tuna, brown rice, sunflower seeds lower the body’s response to cancers.
  • Iron rich includes-Lean poultry, beans, broccoli and kale which transport oxygen to cells.
  • Carotene-rich foods like carrots and yams.
  • Omega -3 rich foods like nuts, salmon, tuna, mackerel and oils of flax seeds and hemp.
  • Ginger and Garlic


Smoking depresses the immune globulins and the cells which fight against infections. Smoking has a direct relation with cancerous and respiratory diseases. Cigarette chemicals lower the immune response of various organs of our body and getting more close to infection and hence decrease the recovery from illnesses.


Excess alcohol consumption i.e. more than 2 pegs decrease our body’s immune system by lowering the valuable nutrients which boost our body and also by reducing W.B.C count which fights against infection. Excess alcoholism threatens our life with serious diseases like ulcers, liver and kidney diseases etc.

Foot Note:


Citrus fruit, Red bell peppers, Broccoli, Garlic, Ginger, Spinach, Yogurt, Almonds, Turmeric, Green tea, Papaya, Kiwi, Poultry, Sunflower seeds and Shellfish.


Daily moderate exercise for 30 min is helpful for all of us. It can boost our immune system and help to fight against diseases. It makes important chemicals and hormones required for our good health and also improves sleep.

ADEQUATE SLEEP:                                       

Lack of adequate sleep triggers stress hormones which lead to hypersensitivity in our body. A good health needs minimum sleep of 7-9hours. We are more prone to infection due to insufficient sleep.


Stress is directly related to illness from serious diseases. A long duration stressful life decreases the body’s ability to defense against the immune system. We can decrease our stress by meditation which helps to develop the stronger immune system.


Lonely people have less strong immunity than people having a strong social relationship.


A good laugh decreases the stress hormone levels in the body and develops W.B.C which protects against infection. A positive happy life increases our life expectancy by improving our immune system.