Is The Slow Eating Better? More Digestible?



Eating slowly is good than rapid eating or gulping big chunk of food altogether.
Slow eating has lot of advantages

1. Improve digestive process-
Eating slowly helps in digestion of food. Digestion is like a chain reaction. As we smell food. We start salivating as we think of putting the food in our mouth. Saliva contains enzyme which can break down the food particles and it also moistens the mouth for digesting the food. Stomach do secrete acid Our intestine get ready for the peristalsis and so on. Slow eating can help you 2 ounce of food per minute. Fat eater doesn’t chew the food properly they just gulp the food which may lead to big lump in the stomach. This can lead to indigestion, obesity, gas and discomfort.

2. Prevent eating too much at time-
Eating slowly can help to react to the amount of food present in the stomach. Eating fast can lead to overeating. Overeating can lead to fullness or cause discomfort in the stomach. Eating too fast can lead to over consumption of the food which can lead to more intake of calorie.

3. Bloating –
Bloating happens when we add too much air in the stomach, cause the stomach to feel larger. It can lead to discomfort in the stomach. When we eat fast then more air gets trapped in between the food and it can cause bloating. The fast eater doesn’t have a habit of chewing food they just swallow the food. This may lead to air trapped in between the food particles. This can make the stomach pain and individual can feel the discomfort.

4. Hydration –
Good hydration tries to maintain body’s fluid homeostasis. Good hydration of body can make us feel energetic and it also helps the kidney to work effectively. It also helps in better bowel movement. A good sign of better-hydrated body is glowing skin. In a recent study, it has been found that slow eating women drink 409 ml water. When they eat faster than they consume 289 mol of water. Slow eating can lead to more drinking of water which can satisfy the individual for the longer time.

5. Weight gain –
Fast eater more gains weight than that of the slow eater. Fat eating food can lead to consumption of more calories than that of slow eater. Fast eater does not chew their food, the large lump of food reaches the stomach which is not properly digested.

6. Sensing satisfaction-
One of the best benefits of slow eating is that it gives the body the sensation of fullness. It takes twenty minutes from the start of the meal for the brain to take up the signal. Twenty minutes is the pretty long time most of us do finish a meal before 20 minutes. The extra calories which are ingested haven’t got enough time to the brain to relish or sense the satisfaction of the food.
Slow eating is far better than just stuffing the food in the mouth.