9 Surprising Benifits Of Tamarind

By: on June 30th, 2016 in Health Tips


  1. Tamarind is an excellent remedy for a sluggish bowel movement and can be used as a laxative.
  2. Tamarind fruit prevents constipation as it is rich in dietary fiber such as tannins, mucilage and pectin.
  3. Tamarind preparations are used for fevers, sore throat, rheumatism, inflammation, etc.
  4. Tamarind can heal the inflammation of the skin to a great extent.
  5. Tamarind can lower levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) thereby promoting healthy cardiovascular health.
  6. Tamarind is extremely high in tartaric acid, a good source of antioxidants that fight against cancer.
  7. Tamarind is used for treating bile problems.
  8. Tamarind is also a great home remedy for healing many hairs and skin related problems. Regular consumption and application of tamarind can reduce blemishes and keep the skin soft.
  9. Tamarind also keeps the hair strong and prevents hair fall.
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