Foods Have Protective Roles In Carbon Monoxide Poisoning



Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless and a non-irritant silent killer gas. CO poisoning is a fatal poisoning gas which effect may last for a long time and which affects our body badly. Carbon monoxide is produced by incomplete combustion of domestic or bottled gas, coal, oil, coke, and wood. CO binds with hemoglobin and forms Carboxy-haemoglobin which reduces the oxygen level and increases CO level into the blood thus causing scarcity of oxygen, damaging blood vessel and which weakens to the immune system and produces other neurological difficulties and even may lead to death.  CO poisoning can affect anyone but children, pregnant women, babies and patients having lung and heart problem are more prone to be affected.

Antioxidant-rich diet protects our body from the adverse effects of CO poisoning.

  • Vit-C Rich Diet- It is an important antioxidant which boosts our immune system and removes free radicals from the body.

Sources of Vit-C is as follows-

  • Vegetables like the drumsticks, cabbage, parsley, kale, broccoli, green turnip, amaranth, coriander leaves, and Brussels sprouts etc.
  • Fruits like amla, guava, lemon, oranges, watermelons, strawberries, grapefruit, kiwi etc.
  • Beta-Carotene Rich Diet: It is an antioxidant which converts into Vit-A when enters into the body and helps in R.B.C production thus improves Oxygen level in the body.

Sources of Beta-Carotene-

  • Leafy vegetables like amaranth, coriander, fenugreek (methi), lettuce, spinach.
  • Radish leaves, carrot, tomato, potato, sweet potato
  • Fruits like- mango, papaya, watermelon, apricots.
  • Vit-E Rich Diet– It is an antioxidant which protects the body from free radical damage, keeps the immune system strong. It also helps in R.B.C formation and widening of blood vessels.

Sources of VitE

Vegetable oils like sunflower, safflower, rice bran, canola, peanut and olive oil.

Sunflower and almond seeds are also rich in Vit-E

Salmon, roe and eel fishes

Some spices and herbs like chili powder, cloves, vasil, parsley contain fair amount of Vit-E.

  • Iron- Rich Diet: Iron rich diet naturally improves oxygen level into the body as it helps in hemoglobin formation in R.B.C

Sources of Iron-

Meats, poultry, fish, legumes, peas, spinach, dried fruits like raisins, apricots etc.

  • Copper Rich Diet: Copper helps in R.B.C production, iron metabolism and also helps in function of nervous system, immune system, and cardiovascular system.

Sources of Copper-

Organ meats, seafood, nuts and seeds, wheat bran, cereals and whole grains.

  • Vit-B-6 Rich Diet: It reduces nausea, vomiting, dizziness, weakness caused by CO poisoning.

Sources of B-6-

Whole grains, lean meat, potato, sweet potato, green leafy vegetables, oil seeds and dried yeast etc.

  • Magnesium Rich Diet: CO poisoning disturbs our neurological system and magnesium rich diet helps to overcome it.

Sources of Magnesium

Cashew, almonds, spinach, fish (Mackerel), brown rice, avocados, Low-fat Yogurt, bananas, dried figs etc.

  • Omega-3-fatty acids: Co poisoning also damages our heart and omega-3-fatty acid protects our heart health from CO poisoning.

Sources of Omega-3-fatty acids-

Nuts and seeds like almond, walnuts, cashew nuts, flax seeds, sunflower and pumpkin, fenugreek , mustard and chia seeds

Canola, sunflower and mustard oil

Green leafy vegetables, legumes like chickpeas and rajma.

Finally: Food is the safe, simple and economical way to prevent CO poisoning. Along with food drink adequate water to flush out the toxins from the body.






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