Some Hidden Facts On Egg Yolk



Egg white is more recommended than egg yolk but egg yolk has many nutritional benefits that cannot be ignored.

What is egg yolk?

Egg yolk is the material of the egg whose primary function is to supply food for animal embryo development. A yolk is concentrated, yellow portion; it is suspended in egg white; it is rich in vitamin, minerals, protein, lipid.

Composition of egg yolk-

  1. Egg yolk makes 33% of liquid weight of egg,
  2. It contains 60 calorie that is 3-time high-calorie content than egg white. Yolk of large egg contain 2.7 gm of protein, 0.61 gm carbohydrate, 210 mg cholesterol, 4.51 gm fat
  3. Fat soluble vitamin A, D, E, K are present in egg yolk
  • Vitamin A -381 UG
  • Vitamin D -218 IU
  • Folate – 146 UG
  1. Fat content is 26.54 gm.
  2. Unsaturated fatty acid
    • Linolenic acid 2%
    • Oleic acid 47 %
    • Linoleic acid 16 %
    • Palmitoleic acid 5 %
  1. saturated fatty acid
    • Stearic acid – 4 %
    • Palmitic acid 23%
    • Myristic acid 1 %


Hidden fact of egg yolks –

  1. Egg yolk is generally used to extract egg oil, which can be used for nutrition, cosmetic, and medicine.
  2. Egg yolk is used to make liqueurs such as eggnog or advocaat.
  3. Egg yolk is used for painting especially traditional egg-tempera.
  4. For the embryo development egg yolk used as sustenance.
  5. Egg yolk contains antibody known as antiglobulin. An antibody is transferred from laying eggs to the egg yolk by passive immunity to protect embryo and micro embryo invasions.
  6. Egg yolk contains zeaxanthin and lutein, it plays an important role for the eye health. Zeaxanthin and lutein are colored pigment gives egg yellow color. It prevents age-related muscular degeneration and cataracts. Zeaxanthin and lutein act as an antioxidant, it protects eye damage from free radical, because free radical can damage different part of the retina and it also help to correctly focus light.
  7. Choline present in egg yolk reduces the risk of breast cancer.
  8. Egg yolk is separated from egg white and it is used for different preparations like mayonnaise, overmoles , avgolemono , custard.
  9. Egg yolk contains 13 variety of minerals like magnesium , calcium , iron , potassium , sodium , selenium, Egg yolk help to carry out bodies important functions, balancing electrolyte, it  also acts as body’s nutritional building block.
  10. Egg yolk is easily digestible so egg yolk is fed to children and also to the babies and toddlers.
  11. Egg yolk is good for skin and hair. Egg yolk used for hair masks and skin smoothening

Some preparation of egg yolks

  1. Egg custard
  2. Chocolate and almond ice cream
  3. Yellow cake
  4. Eggnog
  5. Pasta alfredo
  6. Vanilla slice
  7. Chocolate tar

Egg yolk has lots of nutritional efficiency. Egg yolk is given to the babies and toddler during weaning because it gives immunity to the body.








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