Butter Or Ghee – The Best Selection To Add On Meals



Butter or ghee should be used carefully in the daily diet.


Butter is a dairy product which contains 80 % butterfat, and it becomes solid when it is chilled.


Ghee is the class of clarified butter which has been originated in ancient India. It is vastly used in India and South Asian countries, Iran and Arabic cuisine.

Butter or Ghee which is best for the daily meal-

  1. Ghee is the unprocessed fat. It contains omega-three fatty acid along with the vitamin A. Butter contains vitamin A not as much of ghee. Ghee consumption can help meet Vitamin A daily nutritional requirement. Vitamin A deficiency can affect vision and also it can affect eyes.
  2. Butter provides 717 kcal per 100 gm. It contains 51 % saturated fat. Butter does not contain any Tran’s fat. 100 gm of ghee provides 900 kcal, it gives 60 % saturated fat and it does not contain any trans fat.

Ghee contains more saturated fat than that of butter. It is better to opt butter than ghee for the patient with a heart problem.

  1. Ghee is more concentrated than of butter. It provides slightly more butyric acid than butter and It also offers other short-chain saturated fat. It has been found that this fat reduces inflammation, inhibit cancer growth and it also promotes gut health.
  2. Ghee is completely free from milk sugar like lactose and the milk protein like casein. Whereas on the other hand, butter contains both of them in a small amount. People who are sensitive to this product should choose ghee over butter.
  3.  Butter and ghee both are rich in saturated fatty acid. It can handle high without it getting damaged in high heat. Heating ghee produces less toxic compound like acrylamide, whereas heating vegetable oil produces the more toxic compound.
  4. Ghee has a higher smoke point than that of butter. It does not get burnt when it is sautéed there for it generates a few more harmful free radical and it remains for a long time.
  5. Butter contains around 12-15 percent short and medium-chain fatty acid while ghee contains 25 percent or higher. The body metabolizes fat differently than that of long-chain fatty acid. The medium and short-chain fatty acid is not linked to cardiovascular diseases.
  6. Ghee helps make healthy bone. Ghee contains fat soluble vitamin k2, which allows utilizing mineral, including calcium. In recent studies, it has been found that vitamin K help to build healthy bone than that of ca. Ghee is better than butter.
  7. Ghee improves digestion. It contains short chain butyrate which helps in healthy digestion. It works by converting fiber into butyric acid. It is essential for detoxifying and also the elimination of fat and toxins — ghee increase gastric acid.
  8. Patient with leaky gut syndromes, gluten sensitivity, IBS, Cohn or particular pancreatic disorder is unable to absorb vitamin A. Ghee usage than butter can increase the vitamin intake.

Ghee is better than butter.