How Much You Can Consider Beer Drinking In A Party?

How much you can consider Beer Drinking in Party.

Drinking beer in a limit, i.e., the amount until you are conscious and remember everything and enjoy the pleasure of drinking even also not lost our control. Every individual has a tolerance level. There must be a limit of beer drinking as drinking excessively develops many liver diseases, cancer, gut disorders, pancreatic problems, anxiety, depression, hypertension, nervous disorders, sexual problems, obesity and accidents, etc. Drinking in a small amount may prevent heart disease and stroke in men aged above forty and women after menopause.

The maximum limit of drinks for a male is 21 units and for female are 14 units per week with a rest of two days a week. It means 6 units or 3 pints of beer thrice in a week is approx 18-20 units/week. This is the safe upper limit for men and approx 5 units or 2.5 pints for women i.e.15 units/week is the top safe limit for women.

Beer Units:

Regular Pint (4%) =2.3 units

Strong Pint (5.2%) = 3 units

Extra Strong (8%) = 4.5 units

Here are some tips for a beer-drinking which keeps us stable:

  • Drink in Limit: Don’t be drunken excessively and try to find out your control level of drinking beer. Don’t drink irresponsibly enough alcohol to lose your control over the mind.
  • Drink with some Foods: Drinking beer with protein-rich foods like paneer, cheese, roasted or fried nuts slows the absorption of alcohol and thus keeps the person in control.
  • Don’t Gulp Drinks: Try to sip the drink, because of gulping losses the pleasure, taste, smell and flavor of the beer.
  • Drink Rarely: Prefer non-alcoholic beverages in parties or business meetings, but if you want to accompany a drink then drink with ice and limit it with one or two pegs. Try to space beer drinking of a week.
  • Avoid Driving: Don’t drink and drive and it is better to go with someone who does not consume alcohol to come back home safely as after drinking there may be a chance to lose control if consumed more than your tolerance level.
  • Beer and Drug Interactions: Beer may interact with some drugs like sleeping pills, cough and cold medicines, antibiotics, antidepressants, or with other medications also so better to consult with your physician before drinking regularly.
  • Don’t force to Drink to anyone: Don’t impose drinking to anyone because it is offensive behavior to force anyone for drinking. There may be a reason behind anyone’s avoidance of alcohol like its unpleasant taste, medical problems, or some religious or ethical issues.
  • Avoid Drinking an Empty Stomach: Drinking during an empty stomach may lead to hypoglycemia and results in dizziness, weakness and mood swings.

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Say No to Drink and if drinking limit it to one glass and with a meal. Drink responsibly, safely, sensibly and in a healthy way to keep yourself and others happy.


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