12 Dietary Advice For Colitis

By: on February 28th, 2017 in

12 Dietary  Advice for Colitis

Colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease which causes inflammation and ulcers in the large intestine, colon, and rectum.

The symptoms of colitis are the pain, bloating and diarrhea. Foods don’t cause ulcerative colitis but some particular foods make the condition worse like-

  • Beans and legumes are fiber rich which produces gas.
  • Coffee, tea and other caffeinated beverages.
  • Dairy and products if there is lactose intolerance.
  • High fiber vegetables like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and celery, onion, stringy veggies are not easy to digest and produce gas causes bloating, cramping and increases diarrhea.
  • Avoid Whole seeds, nuts, and Popcorn, corns and mushrooms which are not easy to digest.
  • Avoid Fatty meats, fried foods, Creamy foods and high fatty foods like butter, ghee, sauces, pickles which trigger colitis
  • Avoid whole spices and herbs like parsley, cracked peppercorns.
  • Chocolates contain sugar and caffeine and both the ingredients cause cramping and increases a frequency of passing stools. Avoid concentrated sweets, sugars, and juices.
  • Avoid dried fruits, berries, figs, plums, coconut.

10 ) Gluten worsens the condition so better to avoid gluten-containing foods like wheat, rye, and barley.

  • Alcohol triggers diarrhea. Soda induces gas, bloating, bowel production and cramping.
  • Avoid skipping meals. Take small and frequent meals.

Can Include:

  • Soft tender cooked Fish, poultry, and lean meat
  • Bread and cereals
  • Fruits like ripe bananas, watermelon, plums, peaches, cooked apples, seedless grapes, Fruit juices without pulp. Properly cooked veggies like spinach, pumpkin, carrots, potatoes and other soft veggies.
  • Healthy fats like olive and canola oils.
  • Dairy products like cheese, yogurt if there is no lactose intolerance. If there is lactose intolerance can take almond or soy milk.
  • Omega-3 rich foods like fish (Salmon, mackerel, herring, and sardines).
  • Include probiotics like yogurt which improves digestion by increasing healthy gut bacteria.
  • Include iron rich foods like the egg with yolks, banana, raisins etc.
  • Refined grains, white bread, pasta, crackers and dry cereals which contain less fiber.
  • Drink plenty of water and fluids to maintain hydration.
  • Eat the balanced diet and include foods rich in Vit-D, Vit-B-12, Folic acid, and Calcium rich foods.
  • Salt restricted diet if there is water retention.

At last high calorie, low fat and low fiber diet are helpful for colitis patients.


  • Reduce your stress as it triggers the signs and symptoms
  • Do regular light exercise which helps to relieve stress and depression.