11 Cures Of Dengue Fever

By: on October 6th, 2015 in Health Tips



Dengue is one of the menacing diseases which is spreading across India. It is one of the disease which is plaguing India. While Narendra Modi is accentuating more on digitalization to make digital India in the same way mosquitoes are also succeeding in making dengue India. With a large number of people getting infected with the often fatal disease, it’s time to notice and make changes to protect themselves. Dengue is also known as “break down fever” and is one of the debilitating diseases in which one goes through a very high fever. There are no vaccines currently available commercially for dengue virus.




Unfortunately, there is no clear treatment for the condition nor is there a vaccine against it, so the best way is to prevent the disease from occurring at all. A new vaccine, produced by Sanofi Pasteur reportedly had a successful phase and has marketed a new dengue fever vaccine in 2015 only. Here are a few simple tips to get rid of dengue:

1. To prevent the spread of dengue fever, you must first prevent the breeding of its vector, the Aedes mosquito. It prefers to breed in clean, stagnant water easily found in our homes. You can get rid of the Aedes mosquito by frequently removing stagnant water in your premises.

2. Turn over empty pails and buckets, so that they do not collect excess water.

3. Use mosquito repellents regularly. Apply it well on all exposed areas, during the day as well as at night.

4. Always sleep under a mosquito net.

5. A natural method to keep mosquitoes at bay is to plant tulsi near your window. The plant has properties that do not allow mosquitoes to breed.

6. If you use a cooler remember to empty out and clean the water tray regularly even if you don’t use it.

7. Clear blockages and put BTI ( Bacillus Thuringiensis Israelensis ) insecticide in roof gutters monthly.

8. Remove and change water from flower pots on alternate days.

9. Cover the body with long hands shirts and pants tucked into the socks.

10. Make sure that doors and windows are closed and use air condition in the houses.

11. Take plenty of liquids and complete bed rest.